Greg Parsons has hosted 37 Episodes.
024: The Constant Gardener
28 May 2019 | 1 hr 56 mins
4k, book club, circleci, continuous delivery, continuous deployment, continuous integration, css jokes, dell, discord, github, hooks, huawei, hudson, jenkins, kubernetes, laptops, lenovo, linux, lutris, mtg arena, oled, omnigraffle, postman, razer, recursion, small sample sizes, statistics, trackball, travisci
This week, Albert and Greg discuss continuous integration/delivery. Greg contemplates a post-Macbook future and waters the garden. Albert reads the announcements. We talk switching to Linux, git flow, marketing and more!
023: Book Club: Rework
21 May 2019 | 1 hr 37 mins
acqui-hire, angela duckworth, atlassian, basecamp, boomerang, dropbox, encrypted drive, ext4, gmail, google i/o, grilled cheese, gtx 1650, ios, ipad, jira, kanban, lenovo, linux, macos, meetings. silicon valley, microsoft build, night sight, oled, omnigraffle, phone x, pixel 3a, silicon beach, stephen dubner, terraform, toyota, updates, wendys, windows update, x1 extreme, yo app
This week, Albert and Greg bring you the first Public Function Book Club! Greg finally reads Rework and has thoughts. Albert destroys meeting culture and picks a fight. We talk startups, management, email vs Slack and more!
022: Fifth Year Senior
14 May 2019 | 1 hr 28 mins
camera bag, codeigniter, continuous delivery, developer, dhh, director, engineer, facebook, fuji, hex, junior, kent dodds, laravel, manager, mid, philips hue, php, principal, qa, senior, testing, twilio, uber
This week, Albert and Greg discuss the differences between junior, mid, and senior level developers! Greg wants to go galaxy brain on management. Albert touts top teammates. We talk experience, decisions, teamwork and more!
021: Arrivals and Departures
7 May 2019 | 1 hr 46 mins
144hz, 4k, amd, apple, asrock, cuda, daniel fore, destiny, docker, electron, elementary, epic store, evga, geforce now, gigabyte, gtx 1080, intel, intellij, linux, nvidia, nvme, obs, postman, python, ram, rocket league, ryzen, slack, slang, solar kills, ssd, steam store, steelseries, tensorflow, tomb raider, visual studio code, water cooling, xbox
This week, Albert and Greg are talking home office setups! Greg muses on massive modern monitors. Albert runs his entire life on Linux. We talk street food, computer hardware, bad software and more!
020: Lord's Work
30 April 2019 | 1 hr 40 mins
angular, babel, bike shedding, code reviews, electron, elon musk, grunt, gulp, hooks, ikea fredde, insiders, intellij, javascript, jeff bezos, jetbrains, python, react-redux, redux, spacex, sql injection, styled components, twitter, visual studio code, webpack
This week, Albert and Greg are following up on 20 episodes. Greg reviews his dev tooling open sourcery. Albert finds a code editor and a desk. We talk space race, Twitter fame, rap music and more!
019: Not Forgotten
30 April 2019 | 1 hr 26 mins
activision, bungie, dell, destiny, dick wolf, game of thrones, gaming monitor, ham radio, law and order, pvp, red wedding
This week, Public Function is back from a short break. Greg explains the meta for Destiny PvP, and loses to 14-year-olds. Albert still hasn’t seen Game of Thrones. We talk monitors, Digital Ocean services, gaming APIs and more!
018: Clown Time
16 April 2019 | 1 hr 26 mins
desks, e-commerce, plugins, ray tracing, shopify, star wars, stripe. liquid. themes, typescript
This week, Public Function is old enough to vote! Greg discusses the future of e-commerce and Shopify. Albert launches a spaceship from his phone. We talk gaming hardware history, 8k monitors, big desks and more!
017: Schrodinger's Comma
9 April 2019 | 1 hr 28 mins
development, gaming, news, software, technology
This week, Albert and Greg are bike shedding. Greg has opinions on semicolons. Albert is torn over ordering CSS properties. We discuss tabs versus spaces, premature optimization, and browser support. Check the post show!
016: President Qwerty
2 April 2019 | 1 hr 25 mins
chairs, ergonomics, keyboards, mice, monitors, mouse, sitting
This week, Albert and Greg talk ergonomics. Greg holds down the turbo button for too long. Albert describes proper programmer seating position. We talk expensive chairs, computer mice, distractions, and more!
015: Dan the Homie
26 March 2019 | 1 hr 19 mins
development, gaming, news, software, technology
This week, Albert and Greg talk about Redux. Greg makes a friend by being wrong on the internet. Albert tells you why not to use Redux. We talk Redux alternatives, middlewares, arrow keys, and more!
014: The One with the Hooks
19 March 2019 | 1 hr 30 mins
development, gaming, news, software, technology
This week, Albert and Greg discuss all things React Hooks. Greg teaches us how to avoid infinite loops. Albert uses hooks to avoid Redux. We talk render priority, React suspense, dangerously set flags, and more!
013: Albert's Guitar Strings
12 March 2019 | 1 hr 53 mins
development, gaming, news, software, technology
This week, Albert and Greg are talking devops! Greg gives an oral history of webmasters. Albert helps you translate devops tech to business talk. We talk server rooms, load balancers, acts of God, and podcasting Pulitzers!